Sun 26 Jan
Get ahead and start your day right a$80 15mins $120 30ins $180 40Mins $275 90mins 3× - 33
(City of Sacramento, Off Business 80 on Edison Marconi / Howe, Sacramento)
Sat 11 Jan
Sweet N Nasty Redbone BBW NATURAL F's Squashing Now ! 60/80/160 - 23
(Sacramento, biz 80 &.Marconi ave)
TRŸ M€——•X•——TÕUCH M€ ——•X•——F€ €L M€——•X• - BeSt iN tOwN - 1000%REAL - 25
(Sacramento, MARCONI AND 80)
Fri 10 Jan
Now Here I'm Everything U Want I'm Everything U Crave I'm A Sinner I'm Ur Secret Slave - 33
(City of Sacramento, Off Business 80 on Edison Marconi / Howe, Sacramento)
Thu 09 Jan
Do I Have Ur Attention Now!! GOOD $80 15min $120 30min $180 45min $275 90 mins 2x - 33
(City of Sacramento, Off Business 80 on Edison Marconi / Howe, Sacramento)
Wed 08 Jan
Quality Girl With Freaky Ways Aims To Please You)()() 60/80/160 Now - 31
(Sacramento, Marconi and 80)
Sweet N Nasty Redbone BBW NATURAL F's Squashing Now ! 80/160 - 23
(Sacramento, biz 80 &.Marconi ave)
Quality Girl With Freaky Ways Aims To Please You)()() Specials Now - 31
(Sacramento, Marconi and 80)
Mon 06 Jan
Shes Pretty and Pink and PURRS when you pet her. Whether u come for a QUICK hello, or if you want t - 31
(Sacramento, Marconi and 80)
Sun 05 Jan
☆♥ »» SuP€R GRiP That Won't QuiT »»(( CLaSSY PRoViDeR )) »» SeXy BoDy & PrEttY FaCe ☆♥ - - 31
(Sacramento, Marconi and 80)
#%*letme 💦👅💦u ⬆⬇till u say stop#%*avail...come enjoy a toe curling exp.private location💋💋 - 26
(Sacramento, HWAY 80 EXIT MARCONI)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan